Le Mag

Exhibition in Paris - UNE AUTRE EMPREINTE

July 2022

Exhibition in Paris - UNE AUTRE EMPREINTE

Photography and design, two approaches to eco-design

Roche Bobois is a proud partner of the « Une autre empreinte » (Another footprint) award created by the Dahinden photo laboratory aiming to promote environmental and ecological preservation through artistic mediums. The Roche Bobois Sébastopol showroom in Paris is exhibiting a selection of photographs by the winner of this first edition, Daesung Lee, which correspond to a selection of eco-design models.

Paris-based Korean photographer, Daesung Lee is a documentary photographer whose works focus on environmental issues and globalization. In his series Sur le rivage d’une île qui disparaît (On the shore of a vanishing island), currently exhibited in the showroom, he photographed the inhabitants of Ghoramara island (in the Bay of Bengal, India) who have become direct victims of global warming which has caused sea levels to rise resulting in the disappearance of 80% of their land. Daesung Lee photographed the island’s inhabitants on the pieces of land that remain. He seeks to tell their story through his images.

Roche Bobois has been promoting increased awareness of its impact and active monitoring of the environmental footprint of its products for the last 15 years. Eco-design is an integral part of these two concepts: a product is only creative and of quality if it respects the environment in the broad sense, and that of our customers in particular.

Driven by the desire to offer its customers more environmentally friendly products, Roche Bobois has committed to the mission that, by 2025, all new products will be eco-designed, and that all wood-based products are PEFC and/or FSC certified (certification of standards for the exploitation of sustainably managed forests).

The models presented in this exhibition are among some of the best performing eco-designed pieces according to the Eco8 rating scale. Eco8 is the brand’s eco-friendly evaluation tool developed in collaboration with the technological institute FCBA (wood certification institute). Eco8 is based on 8 criteria grouped into 4 sets. These criteria give an overall score out of 4 in order to assess the eco-design of a product as well as its points for improvement.

➔  Discover the virtual visit of the exhibition