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Roche Bobois presents an exhibition of American photographer Patty Caroll’s work in Paris, in collaboration with Galerie XII.
Inspired by the color-saturated movies of the 1950s, interior design magazines, and conventional still-life scenes, Patty Carroll creates studio installations featuring female mannequins, their faces concealed by household objects or camouflaged in drapery.
Although the bright colors can be misleading, the “Anonymous Women” series looks into the condition of women burdened with endless obligations and subject to a stress so overwhelming it can sometimes engulf them completely. Humorous touches temper the dark message.
Patty Caroll: “My photographs are metaphors for the interior lives of women; how we substitute everyday objects and artifice and turn them into obsessions."
Discover it at Roche Bobois, 92 avenue du Maine in Paris.
➔ Learn more about Patty Carroll
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